Our Leadership.

Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Sidney Williams Jr.

Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Sidney Williams Jr.


Pastor Sidney Williams is the faithful husband of First Lady Teresa Williams and father to 4 children. He has a profound prophetic mantle that distinguishes him as a remarkable visionary who has made a powerful impact in the Faith and Business communities. He is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with strong Southern roots in North Carolina and Louisiana. He was raised in the Pentecostal tradition and preached his first sermon at the age 15, but was not ready to yield to the Call. On November 11, 2010 he received his first pastoral appointment in the United States as the 51st pastor of the Bethel Church in Morristown, New Jersey.

Ministerial Staff

  • Rev. Joseph B. Ford

    Assistant Pastor

  • Reverend Elizabeth Cotten

    Associate Minister

  • Gilbert Gibson


  • Kevin Johnson

    Director of Music and Minister in training

  • Nicole Williams

    Exhorter and Worship Leader

  • Galindo (Glen) King

    Minister in training


  • Marva Cole-Friday

    Vice Chair, Steward Boar; Member, Stewardship and Finance

  • Claudette Williams

    Member, Steward Board; Vice Chair, Stewardship and Finance

  • Arphiela Arizmendi

    Church Admin; Member, Steward Board; Member, Stewardship and Finance

  • Rosie Howze

    Member, Steward Board; Treasurer, Women’s Missionary Society

  • Kyle Northan

    Junior Steward


  • Tina Lindsey

    Vice Chair, Trustee Board; Member, Stewardship and Finance; Member, Women’s Missionary Society

  • Charles D. Craig

    Member, Trustee Board (formerly Vice-Chair), Member, Stewardship and Finance

  • Sam Harris

    Member, Trustee Board (formerly Vice Chair)

  • Michael McCloe

    Sexton. Member, Trustee Board

  • Rick Dixon


  • Frances Simmons


  • Clint Walker



  • Sandra Henny

    President of Stewardess Board

  • Esmetta Lewin


  • Eunice Simmons


Women Missionary’s Society

  • Diane Gibson

    President of Women’s Missionary Society

  • First Lady Teresa Williams


Leadership is something God takes seriously, and so do we. Jesus Christ is the “head of the body, the church” as taught in Colossians 1:18.

Because of this, we consider Jesus as the leader, the “Chief Sheppard,” or the Head of the Church. The men and women who lead the church must lead like Jesus—not to replace him, but to follow him and serve his Church, as described in the Bible. Though our leaders are imperfect and incomplete, by God’s grace they can still reflect the One who teaches, loves, and leads the way to God for His glory and our joy.


Pastor, Elder, and Bishop are all synonymous terms in the Bible, persons who are called, Biblically qualified, and tested to lead the Church. In our Church, Bishops have jurisdictional oversight over local churches and are responsible for appointing Pastors annually or as need arises. Presiding Elders are appointed by the Bishop to assist in carrying out these duties by meeting with our congregation quarterly to assess our growth and financial status.

Stewards, Trustees and Ministry Leaders are servants who assist the Pastor in overseeing many of the ministries of Bethel Church. They too are called, Biblically qualified, and tested to serve in their respective roles.

Please take a moment to review or Pulpit Staff and Official Board Members for information about those who serve in different roles of leadership at Bethel.