Becoming a Leader at Bethel.
A Ministry Leader must have servant’s heart and strive to put their best foot forward. While learning to love as Christ loved us, Ministry Leaders should be compassionate, patient and supportive with excellent interpersonal, listening, and communication skills. Strong Ministry Leaders are trustworthy and honest with a high integrity that doesn’t get caught in the ‘gossip train’. Ministry Leaders have a confident humility that is centered more on what God is doing and less on their own inherent abilities. Ministry Leaders must pray without ceasing, be knowledgeable about the ministry they intend to lead, and be a visionary with excellent time management and organizational skills.
Key considerations/advice for new leaders in this role:
Maintain family/work/church balance
Shadow or be mentored for a year before serving in the position
Make sure he or she understands the qualifications of the position before they accept the position.
Spend time with the outgoing director
Learn how to network within the church
Make sure he or she can give the time required of the position to serve effectively.
There are several books we encourage our leaders to read. Some of them are:
Developing the Leader Within You, by John C. Maxwell
Fishing Differently: Ministry Formation in the Marketplace, by Rev. Dr. Sidney Williams, Jr.
High Expectations, by Thom S. Rainer
Managing God’s Money: A Biblical Guide, by Randy Alcorn
General Guidelines.
All ministry leaders should be advised of the following protocols:
At the conclusion of each meeting, any suggested activities or recommendations for the ministry must have the Pastor’s consent prior to being presented to the Official Board, announced in Church, placed in the Monthly Program or on the Church’s calendar.
Make sure that your recommended events:
reflect the goals and vision of your ministry,
do not conflict with an existing event
meet your organization’s budgetary guidelines or presents a reasonable reimbursement plan
are presented timely to the congregation
are presented to the Pastor to be placed on the website and in the church program,
are forwarded to the Church Secretary for inclusion in the Monthly Program
As a ministry leader, you may seek persons within the congregation as well as non-members to join and support your ministry, however, you should understand that the following positions are pastoral appointments and as such, invitations should not be extended to:
Stewardship and Finance
Class Leaders/Tribe Leaders
Trustees are nominated by the Pastor and are Elected by the Church Conference. Additionally, Tribe Leaders, ministry leaders, etc., are pastoral appointments.
Policy and Procedures.
Each ministry leader is accountable and responsible for the effectiveness of their respective ministry. Ministry leaders are to set the vision and direction of the organization. They should understand their ministry’s function in the overall vision of the church. The leader role is to utilize their membership in seeking to reach its goals.
Ministry Leaders should have:
regularly scheduled monthly or bi-monthly meetings
a secretary or recorder for minutes of monthly meetings and
an understanding of their ministry’s budget
Ministry leaders are required to hold annual elections for positions within their organizations and to present a slate of officers to the Pastor within 30 days of the new Conference Year. The Pastor or his designee (a member of the Pulpit Staff) will preside over the annual elections after the slate has been approved.
All lay ministry leaders have been assigned a ministerial liaison to assist them in achieving the desired goals for their ministry. Ministry leaders are responsible for keeping the ministerial liaison abreast of current issues and concerns.
Note: Boards or organizations that have not been assigned a ministerial liaison should continue to report directly to the pastor.