Unboxing Worship Collective

NJ/NY Region

Bethel Church of Morristown is the central meeting point of our members in the region and is the home to our recording studio and trainings.

The Unboxing Music Collective is an international network of prophetic worship leaders and instrumentals.


In partnership with LUNA INC., we are empowering young adults, specifically on colleges and universities to release prophetic music that is intended to shake the nations and call them into their prophetic destinies in God.

Our Recording Studio.

The recording studio will record and release the prophetic sound that comes out of Bethel. It is, practically, how we steward what we believe God is placing into our hands.


We are currently in the process of building and finalizing our recording studio.

Bethel is a house of worship, a resting place of revival. We believe Bethel’s worship will go across the nations to prepare a remnant.

We expect to see a great and mighty revival birthed out of Bethel, that the people of Morristown will COME AND SEE (John 4:29).

What does it mean to be a part of the collective?


Members of the collective gain access to the following:

  • opportunity to meet and create with other prophetic worship leaders and instrumentalists in the region

  • exclusive access to workshops and trainings to grow in music writing, song writing, worship leading, and much more

  • opportunity to use Bethel’s recording studio to record and produce their own music (at a reduced rate)

Do I have to be a member, an intern of the church, or on the worship team in order to be a part of the collective?


No, young adults who desire to be a part of the collective do not have to intern, be members, or a part of the worship team at the church. However, individuals who do not fit any of those descriptions will have to pay a fee for membership and for access to our recording studio. Interns are provided with free access and worship team members gain access to at a discounted rate.

How much does it cost to be a part of the collective?



/ month

Interns and worship team members gain free membership to the collective.